Effective Ways to Manage Absconding Tenants

Absconding tenants are every landlord’s nightmare. They vanish without a trace, leaving unpaid renting, utility bills, and sometimes a damaged property behind. If you’re a landlord in India, you might have already faced this frustrating scenario or are worried about it happening. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to handle […]

Financial Stress and How to Overcome It: A Guide for the Indian Audience

Financial stress is a common issue affecting millions of individuals and families across India. Whether it is managing household expenses, dealing with unexpected medical bills, or repaying loans, financial stress can have a significant impact on one’s mental and physical health. In this blog, we will explore the causes of financial stress in the Indian […]

Understanding Medical Emergency Top-Up Loans

In an era where healthcare costs are rising at an alarming rate, having access to immediate funds during medical emergencies is crucial. Medical emergencies can strike without warning, and the associated costs can be daunting. Whether it’s a sudden illness, an accident, or an unexpected surgery, the financial burden can be overwhelming. This is where […]

Understanding Credit Card Balance Transfer in India

In today’s fast-paced world, credit cards have become an integral part of our financial lives. They offer convenience, rewards, and the ability to make purchases without immediate cash outflow. However, credit card debt can quickly accumulate, leading to high-interest rates and financial stress. One effective way to manage this debt is through a credit card […]

Why Adding a Guarantor Helps in Complex Loan Applications

Navigating the intricacies of loan applications can often feel like walking through a maze, especially when faced with challenges such as a less-than-ideal credit history, limited income, or other financial setbacks. In such scenarios, the role of a guarantor can be pivotal, offering a lifeline that enhances the borrower’s credibility in the eyes of lenders. […]

The Changing Face of Personal Loans: Trends and Innovations in Bangalore for 2024

Personal loans have become a cornerstone of financial planning in urban India, offering flexibility and support for a myriad of needs, from home renovations to medical emergencies. Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India, is at the forefront of this financial revolution. In 2024, the personal loan landscape in Bangalore is witnessing significant changes driven by […]

How Your Credit Score Affects Loan Approval in India?

In today’s financial landscape, your credit score is more than just a number. It is a critical factor that determines your financial health and credibility. In India, a good credit score plays a pivotal role in obtaining various types of loans, from personal loans to home loans, and even credit cards. In this comprehensive guide, […]

Exploring Personal Loans for Business Purposes in India

Securing capital is frequently a vital step for entrepreneurs trying to launch or develop their companies in the dynamic and quickly expanding Indian business scene. Business personal loans have been a common and easily available choice for many. Personal loans are a more appealing choice for small company owners and startups due to their easier […]

Key Difference between Debt Consolidation and Debt Settlement

Debt consolidation and debt settlement are two strategies people use to manage and reduce their debt. Each has its own methods, benefits, and potential downsides. Overwhelmed by debt? You are not alone! Millions of people struggle with debt, and figuring out how to manage it can be confusing. Two of the most common strategies are […]

10 Ways in which FundsTiger can assist with CIBIL Improvement in Short Term

The following are the 10 Ways in which FundsTiger can assist with CIBIL Improvement in Short Term: 1. Credit Report Analysis Fundstiger can analyze your credit report and identify any errors or areas that need improvement. 2. Debt Consolidation Fundstiger can assist you in consolidating your debts, which can help improve your debt-to-income ratio and […]