Should you take out a Personal Loan to Invest in the Stock Market?

A personal loan may now be easily obtained via banks, non-banking financial institutions (NBFIs), and peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms. Some investors take out personal loans to buy stocks and subscribe to initial public offerings (IPOs), hoping to make healthy returns and pay off the debt. Many investors are eager to join in this rise even […]

The Market Is Down Should I Sell All My Stocks?

The Balance is here to help you navigate your financial life. To that end, we track the money-related questions you most search on Google so we know what’s on your mind. Here is the answer to one of your most recent inquiries. Although individual situations may vary, the average retirement saver should probably stay the […]

12 Tips on When To Sell Your Stock

Stock investing involves finding a strong stock, purchasing it, keeping it for a long enough time, and then selling it at the right moment. Even with solid stock calls, the third step of the process, selling the stock, frequently doesn’t give it the value it merits, leading to less-than-ideal market returns. In terms of investing, […]