Financial Stress and How to Overcome It: A Guide for the Indian Audience

Financial stress is a common issue affecting millions of individuals and families across India. Whether it is managing household expenses, dealing with unexpected medical bills, or repaying loans, financial stress can have a significant impact on one’s mental and physical health. In this blog, we will explore the causes of financial stress in the Indian […]

Best Money Moves to make in Your 50s – Have a look to be money wise

In your 50s, it’s important to focus on maximizing your savings and reducing debt to prepare for retirement. Here are some specific money moves to consider: It’s important to remember that everyone’s financial situation is unique, and the specific money moves that are right for you will depend on your individual circumstances. It’s a good […]

How Sachin Used Credit Cards to his benefit – and You Can Too!

Sachin was a young man who had just started working at a new job. He was excited to finally have a steady income and was eager to start building his credit history. However, he had heard horror stories about people getting into debt because of credit cards and was determined not to make the same […]

How to Declutter your Debt

It might be difficult to manage your money. Fortunately, with a little preparation, you can streamline your financial management, saving you time, effort, and money. You can think and act with purpose when you have a clean head and a clear environment. Particularly when you consider organising your financial matters, this is true. You will […]

How to Prepare Your Finances for Dhanteras

In India, Dhanteras is a much anticipated holiday. On this day, people choose to shop for gold and silver jewellery, accessories, and other items. Additionally, Dhanteras is viewed as a lucky time to schedule weddings, buy vehicles and homes, launch new businesses, have housewarming celebrations, and more. The five-day Diwali celebration begins on Dhanteras, the […]

How to Improve your Financial Health in 2022

Financial health refers to an individual’s potential to meet any emergency financial crisis without hampering his/her daily lifestyle. 5 Reasons Why Your Financial Health is Important in 2022 Financial Emergencies– Uncertainties prevailing around us are increasing day by day. In such a time, one can only be financially sound if they have an emergency fund, which […]

Financial Wellness India

What is Financial Wellness? Financial wellness (or financial wellbeing) refers to a person’s overall financial health and the absence of money-related stress. It’s the result of successful expense management.  Financial wellness is an important part of overall employee wellbeing which consists of physical, mental, and financial wellness.  In very simple terms, financial wellness means the art of […]

Financial Wellness during COVID

Adopting financial discipline The stock market, bond market and other financial markets have come down heavy under the hammer of coronavirus. Companies have begun the painful process of layoffs and pay cuts. Demand has been hit, due to consumer sentiment being hit. Global supply chains have seen major disruptions. In short, the whole world is […]